IO Instruments - KALYKE (Function Generator)
OverviewIO Instruments - KALYKE (Function Generator)
DUAL FUNCTION GENERATOR in audio range speed
LFO section with continuous potentiometer for wide frequency range
OFFSET, PHASE SHIFT and various waveforms
Multiple OUT and negative polarity OUT
LFO modulation to ADSR
Two trigger OUTs of ADSR (AD / AR)
Four modulation INs to control ADSR and its LFO mod
ADSR with selectable curves, loop and ratched mode
Two presets for both channels
Width: 16 HP
Dual Function Generator
Dual Function Generator
LFO section
Waveform: controlled/morphed manually via potentiometer or CV
Morphs from Pulse (20-50-90%) -> Sinus (720°) -> Ramp (720°) -> Triangle (680°)Tempo: controlled via potentiometer or CV
Center of potentiometer at: 4Hz +/- 8 OktavesRepeats: controlled via potentiometer and reset in
Can be adjusted from 1-14 repeats and endless loop (takes effect after reset in)ADSR-Mix: ADSR can be mixed onto LFO with potentiometer
Sample and Hold: LFO can be switched into S&H mode
Offset: can be toggled btw -5V to +5V and 0 to +10V via switch
Input: 1xCV for waveform, 1xCV for tempo, 1xReset
Output: LFO has one positive and one negative CV outputManual Trigger: one button to reset LFO (shared with ADSR)
ADSR section
Curve: continuous exponentiell to linear response, controlled via potentiometer
Ratchets: 16 different multi repeats of attacks, controlled via Attack and Decay sliders
Loop: loop mode from Attack to Release, controlled via switch
Freeze: all settings get freezes to keep exact positions
Control: 4x30mm faders to control A, D, S and R segments
Manual Trigger: one button to reset ADSR (shared with LFO)
Output: ADSR has one positive and one negative CV output, further one trigger out at end of attack,
one trigger out at end of decay
Input: 1xGate in (>1V), four modulation inputs to control A, D, S, and R segments (0-5V)
Output Amplitude: 10VPP (LFO) / 7,5V (ADSR)
Frequency Range: LFO 0,016Hz (60s) - 284Hz / ADSR 0,4ms-10s (Attack); 0,8ms-20s (Decay/Release)
Trigger out: 2ms/10V
16 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
105 mA -12V
0 mA 5V